Dr Hudak is currently not taking any new couples/families for ongoing clinical work. If you have worked with her previously, please email her about availability.
Beginning in 2024, her practice will be consultation only for new cases. Dr Hudak will assess and evaluate the couple/family system in a series of 3-5 sessions, and make appropriate recommendations and referrals.
Jacqueline Hudak, Ph.D., is a licensed Couple & Family Therapist (PA & NJ), and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at The University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Hudak has been working with individuals, couples, families and groups for over thirty-five years. She is a consultant, clinical supervisor, family therapy educator and published author. Dr. Hudak maintains an active blog, in efforts to bring research about the family into public discourses, as well as the clinical setting. She is an engaging and popular speaker with both professional and lay audiences.
Dr. Hudak works with a variety of general family issues, but is recognized for her clinical expertise in several areas:
- The social location of the family, and attendant issues of ethnicity, culture, gender, race, and class
- Family life cycle transitions: birth, marriage, loss, adolescence, launching into the college years and emerging adulthood
- Adult families with grown children; adult sibling work
- Family systems treatment of addiction
- LGBTQ couples & families, and identity transitions
Dr. Hudak is the 2020 recipient of The Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching by an Allied Health Professional, Perelman School of Medicine, and the Albert Stunkard Faculty Recognition Award from the Department of Psychiatry at The University of Pennsylvania.
She is a member of The American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA), The Council for Contemporary Families, The Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC) The Association of Family Psychiatrists, and holds the Approved Supervisor designation with The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT).